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Below are some of the most common questions our cowgirls have for us. If you don't find what you're looking for there, feel free to reach us via chat or email:
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Returns and Exchanges
Our return policy allows returns or exchanges for unused, unopened products purchased within 30 days of purchase..
Please note that candle products are not eligible for return. To be eligible for a refund or exchange, items must be returned in their original condition, with all tags and packaging intact.
You can expect your refund to be processed within 14 days business days or fewer, after our returns department receives the returned item.
If you'd like to start a return, please visit our Return Portal.
Shipping Information
Our standard shipping time within the USA is 3-7 business days.
For international orders to Mexico and Canada, expect a shipping time of 7-14 business days.
Shipping fees, if applicable, will be calculated and displayed at checkout. Please note that delivery times may vary depending on your location and the time of year.
For additional questions about our shipping policy, please contact us in the bottom left corner of this page.
Order Tracking
Once your order has been placed and processed, you will receive a confirmation email with your order details. This email will include a tracking number and a link to your order status page via your customer account.
Alternatively, you can login to your customer account and view your order status using a one-time 6-digit verification code sent by email. A password isn't required to log in.
If you use the Shop app, this can also include a link to the order status page.
Tracking information may not be immediately available after your order is placed. It can take up to 24 hours for the number to become active in our system. If you don't see any updates right away, please be patient and check back later.
Supplier Info
Do you offer free shipping?
We offer fast and free shipping for orders over $100 within the contiguous United States (does not include Hawaii, Alaska, or US territories).
Orders shipped outside the United States, including Mexico and Canada are subject to taxes and duties that are paid for by the customer.
Do you ship worldwide?
We currently only ship to North America, including USA, Mexico and Canada only.
Please note that international shipments can take 7-14 days.
If you have been waiting for more than 14 days to receive your order, please get in touch with our team to investigate the issue.
How long does delivery take?
Delivery times vary depending on the destination and the shipping method selected.
• Standard Delivery: Typically arrives within 3-7 business days.
• Express Delivery: Typically arrives within 2-3 business days.
• International Delivery: Typically arrives within 7-14 business days.
How do I cancel my order?
You will have the option to cancel your order within your confirmation email. Orders can be canceled within 1 hour.
You may also contact our customer service team. Please include your order number and the reason for cancellation in your message. You will receive confirmation of your cancellation if we’re able to make it happen.
Orders can only be canceled before they have been dispatched. If your order has already been shipped, we may not be able to cancel your order as it might already be in processing or shipment. However, you can always request a return or exchange once your order arrives. Please refer to our return policy for further instructions.
Can I edit or add anything to my order?
Once an order is placed, we are unable to make changes to the order. However, if you need to update your shipping address or contact information, please contact our customer service team immediately after placing your order.
Do you offer refunds or exchanges?
Yes, we offer refunds and exchanges within 30 days of purchase. To be eligible for a refund or exchange, items must be returned in their original condition, with all tags and packaging intact. Please note that candles and final sale items are not eligible.
For returns or exchanges, please contact our customer support. Refunds will be processed to the original payment method within 14 days of receiving the returned item.
When will I get my refund?
Once your return has been received and processed, you will be notified via email when the refund has been issued.
Please allow 14 business days for the refund to reflect in your account.
I'm having trouble logging in
Sorry about that. Please make sure you’ve created your account and then verified your email to log in to the customer account area.
You should have gotten an email from us to activate the account. If you need further assistance please contact us for details.
What do I do if I receive the wrong item in my order?
We are sorry to hear you received the wrong item in your order! Please report your order issue to our team via email for further assistance.
Include a photo of the item received and the name of the missing item(s). Please double-check the package for any notes or packing slips that indicate your other item(s) were shipped separately.
While we may not be able to guarantee your exact order is replaced due to potential stock issues, we’ll resolve the situation as best we can!
What do I do if my item(s) arrives damaged?
We’re sorry your item(s) have damage!
Some items break during shipment. We’ll do our best to help.
Please email our team with an image of your damaged item for further assistance.
While we may not be able to guarantee your exact order is replaced due to potential stock issues, we’ll be sure to resolve the situation as best we can!
My order was marked delivered but it’s not here.
If no one was home at the time of delivery, the carrier will leave the package in a safe location.
Be sure to check around your home and with neighbors/building management who may have collected the package for you.
Also, please double-check the shipping address of your order (in the order confirmation email) to ensure it’s headed to the right location.
On some occasions, packages may be marked as delivered but take additional time to arrive.
If you still are unable to locate the package, please reach out to the carrier.
If you need additional assistance, please contact our team.
How do I apply promo/discount codes?
To apply a promo or discount code:
• Proceed to checkout and enter your code in the 'Discount Code' field.
• Click 'Apply' to see your new total before finalizing your order.
• Only one code can be used per order.
If you’re having trouble entering your promo code, please try clearing the cache on your web browser or trying on a different device.
How do I update my account details?
- Click the login button at the top right of the navigation, or use this link to login.
- Enter your email address. After you receive an email with your login code, enter it to access your account page.
- In your account page, click on your initials in the top right, and then click Account information.
- To edit your name, click the pencil icon in the Profile section.
- To edit your shipping details, click the pencil icon beside your address in the Addresses section.
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